Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Halatuju Lepas SPM


Topik yang saya bincangkan harini ialah Halatuju Lepas SPM. First of all, congratulations for those who's going to get the SPM result on March 2018, whatever the result is be grateful be thankful because you guys did the best as you could, the rest leave it to Allah. So back to the topic. Have you guys decide where to further study whether going to STPM / Matriculation / Foundation / Diploma? Whether in public / private university? Now, I'm going to share my experience from STPM, matriculation and now degree. 


I took SPM on 2014. After SPM, I managed to get in STPM while some of my friends further in matriculation, foundation , diploma at public and private university and many more. So, before the result exposed, usually students will fill up the UPU online form. 



So, here some the form of mine. There will be instructions that you guys need to follow but I do believe that you guys be able to fill the form. Here some advice when you fill the form just the typical simple advice. First of all, choose wisely and choose the course that suit with your result. Slightly different its okay but not too far. Second, arrange the course, for example:

Pilihan 1: dip kejuruteraan kimia
Pilihan 2: dip kejuruteraan mekanikal

Arrange according course yang berkait. Let say from pilihan 1 until pilihan 4 nak letak kejuruteraan. Then pilihan 5 dan seterusnya course lain. Bagi nampak confident sikit masa nak isi UPU nanti.


I think thats it from me. If do anything to ask dont shy to comment. InshaAllah ill reply. On the next post, Ill share my experience after spm until degree. See ya! Assalamualaikum


Monday, February 5, 2018



Its been a while since the last post which I've deleted already. Now 2018, I'm getting older which is "21" now, so I decided to renew back this blog and start to write something that may give benefits to all of us inshaAllah.


So, wait for another post and please do give any suggestions/comments about anything to improve this blog to look better. Thank you and may Allah bless all of us.